
Spinning: Drop Spindle & the Wheel

The Course

The first day focuses the preparation of wool and using a drop spindle. The second day is an introduction to the wheel, looking at how to control yarn thickness, spinning singles yearn and plying. There will also be a chance to discuss colour and dyeing.

The Tutors

Steve Kennett is a regular demonstrator and volunteer at the museum, where he is also involved in researching Tudor knitted hose and spinning wool for the Interpretation team. He learned to spin some thirty years ago, taught by Dorothy Wilmshurst who had studied with Ethel Mairet at Ditchling in the 1930’s. Steve is Vice President of the Association of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. He is a member of the Online Guild.

Participant Information

The course is suitable for absolute beginners, those who wish to gain more experience and others who would like to try a variety of methods of creating a woollen yarn. Whilst equipment can be provided, participants are encouraged to bring their own spinning wheel and an apron. Please let us know beforehand if you need to borrow a spinning wheel from the museum for the course.

Fee & Refreshments

£100 per person to include tuition, teas and coffees. If you have any other dietary requirements please let us know in advance. The Museum cafe will be open, or you may wish to bring a packed lunch.

Book course


Sat–Sun 8–9 October 2022





