Nettle fibre workshop

Nettle Fibre Workshop: from Sting to Spin

The Course

Learn how to make fibre and yarn from local nettles. During the workshop we will gather local nettles and learn about their use through time. You will learn how to extract nettle fibre, and learn a simple way to spin it so it can be used for weaving, knitting or crochet.

The Tutor

Brigitte Kaltenbacher has an MA in Sustainable Textiles at UCA Farnham (University of Creative Arts). She holds numerous workshops, talks and demonstations throughout Surrey and West Sussex.

Participant Information

Workshops will always run no matter the weather, so please dress appropriately. Wear suitable outdoor clohing that you don’t mind getting muddy/dusty. Flat suitable footwear (solid sole, no open toed shoes please) for the nettle collection walk. Please wear long sleeves for the nettle collection, or choose long gloves. 

Please also bring:

  • secateurs, or sturdy pruning/garden scissors,
  • well-fitting gloves (Marigolds are fine)
  • an apron or heavy weight kitchen towel
  • a blunt kitchen/butter knife, if possible, and
  • pen and paper for notes

Fee & Refreshments

£80 per person, to include tuition, materials, teas and coffees. The Museum café will also be open or can bring a packed lunch. Please let the Museum know in advance about any special dietary requirements

Book course



Sat 9 August 2025






Countryside Crafts & Skills