Make a draw horse

Make a Draw Horse

The Course

The ideal project for learning green (unseasoned) wood working techniques, also for anyone wishing to further their endeavours on their own afterwards. The draw horse is the old and very efficient forerunner of the work-mate and can be designed to fit the operator, no matter height nor intended purposes.

Starting out with the intended uses of the draw horse, fresh logs and prepared parts will be used for the design and build. Day one assembles the component parts, day two continues with joint-work and completion. Then a necessary trial-run before despatch.

All materials, demonstration, tool-use and on-going assistance provided to help everyone make their own draw horse to take home at the end of the course.

From complete beginner to anyone with previous skills, all should enjoy their experience of crafting their very own all-in-one work bench, vice, clamp, table or seat; however you choose to use it.

The Tutor

Mervyn Mewis has a background in woodwork, woodlands and music. He is an independent demonstrator, maker and tutor with over twenty years’ experience and research.

Woodland management provides the raw materials that traditional skills and techniques then convert into items of use. In particular Mervyn creates chairs from historic designs and a small number of musical instruments.

He is passionate about involving others and helping them to learn and appreciate the potential of native woodlands and traditional methods enabling others to go on to make their own quality products.

Participant Information

Please wear suitable clothing and sensible closed footwear, including adequate warm clothing.

Please be aware that this is a physical course requiring reasonable fitness and mobility.

All tools included.

Fee & Refreshments

£200 per person, to include tuition, tools, teas and coffees. Please let the Museum know in advance if you have any dietary requirements. You can either bring your own packed lunch or the café will be open for lunch.

Book course


Sat–Sun 26–27 April 2025






Working with Wood