Courses at the Weald & Downland Living Museum

Peg Loom Weaving

The Course

Peg loom weaving is an easy way to produce simple rugs and fabrics using fleece, yarn or recycled materials. In this one day workshop, you will make a wooden peg loom (which you can keep) and then learn how to put a warp on it and begin weaving.

The Tutors

Hilary Charlesworth who exhibits her work, details of which can be seen on She teaches workshops in a number of textile skills and is a member of the Institute for Learning.

Sam St Clair-Ford will instruct participants on making the peg loom. He has many years of experience in working with wood. He has worked locally in coppicing and pale making, also supplying chestnut shingles for local church spires. He makes frames for Hilary’s tapestry weaving workshops.

Participant Information

Students should bring a notebook, any interesting yarns (in appropriate colour for landscape) they may like to use, and a camera if possible.

Fee & Refreshments

£65 per person, to include tuition, materials, teas and coffees. The Museum café will be open or you can bring a packed lunch.


Sat 12 September 2020





