Doctor Dolittle
Suitable for age 4+
About the performance
Doctor Dolittle likes animals. In fact, he likes them so much he fills his house with every kind of creature imaginable. And then one day, he figures out how to speak their language!
Tethered Wits bring this beloved story of the extraordinary animal doctor to Weald & Downland Living Museum. Using stunning puppetry, this fun, family-friendly show makes for the perfect day out.
From dogs to ducks, come along and join all of Doctor Dolittle’s friends! A meet and greet with the ‘animals’ after the show gives everyone a chance to make a new chum.
Tickets and important information
Tickets are pre-book only for our Open Air Theatre, and will not be available on the door on the day of the performance. Please note: Theatre performances are not included in the Museum annual membership as the performances are outside the Museum standard opening hours. Members receive a priority booking window prior to the tickets being on general release.
Adults £16
Children (5-17) £11
2 Adult Family (2+2) £49
1 Adult Family (1+2) £35
Under 5’s Free
All these events are outdoors so please do dress for the weather and bring a rug or camping chair with you.
There will be refreshments available to purchase and we welcome you to bring your own picnic to enjoy.
Doors open from 6.00pm with the performances start from approximately 6.30pm onwards. Your ticket with have confirmation information for the individual performance.
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