
Calligraphy for Beginners – Uncial Script

The Course

Uncial scripts were written from the 4th to the 8th century and even into the 12th century. There are many delightful examples and versions including the Lindisfarne and St Chad’s Gospels.

During the session, you will study the basic shapes and rules of the letterform to understand the formation of various Uncial and Celtic scripts. Then, by applying alternative heights, weights and widths to the letters, and using different pen nib sizes, we will modernise them for the 21st century to produce a piece of written text. We will experiment with italicising by making them slope and become more cursive and fluid and look at how to enhance them by adding colour or a coloured background.

The Tutor

Jan Mehigan first studied calligraphy and Illumination at Art College. She is a Fellow of both the Society of Scribes and Illuminators and The Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society.

She has BA (Hons) in Education and in 2014 gained the Diploma of the Society of Botanical Art (DipSBA). She has taught drawing, watercolour painting and calligraphy in adult education for over 28 years delivering workshops for several organisations including the Society of all Artists. She has written several calligraphy books, some co-authored with Mary Noble, and contributed to other books and publications. Jan’s work has been in many calligraphic exhibitions and has demonstrated at Art in Action.

Participant Information

The tutor will supply:

  • a pen holder
  • two different sizes of nib
  • a small supply of black ink
  • some layout paper for practice
  • a sheet of cartridge paper for the finished piece
  • use of a board for writing on

Students should bring with them:

  • a mini jam jar (around 30ml size) with a screw-top lid
  • kitchen towel for spills
  • an HB pencil, sharpener and eraser
  • 3M tape or low tack masking tape
  • a ruler or T square for drawing lines
  • scissors
  • one or two gouache colours or watercolour paints and a couple of brushes
  • two water pots or yogurt pots and paintbrush for mixing

Fee & Refreshments

£70 per person, this includes tuition, tea and coffee. Please let the Museum know in advance if you have any special dietary requirements. You can bring your own packed lunch or the café will be open at lunchtime.


Book course



Sun 12 June 2022






Write, Draw, Paint & Print