This pretty ornamental dairy was originally situated in the Eastwick Park estate, near the village of Great Bookham in Surrey, on A246 to the west of Leatherhead.
It is recorded that it was built in 1806 to serve the mansion house. The estate was a relatively grand one and the auction of the whole estate of 1831 lists describes it as below:
“Distinguished freehold estate, Eastwick Park with Singularly Elegant Mansion… in a Highly Fashionable Neighbourhood and in the Most Picturesque and Delightful Part of the County of Surrey.”
“…A substantial and Complete Residence for a Family of Fashion with Numerous Offices, Stabling, Walled Kitchen Garden.”
“In a grove, on the skirt of the Park, and not far distant from the Dwelling are Two small Octagonal Buildings, Brick-built and Thatched; the one An Ornamental Dairy, the other a Scalding House, connected by a Thatched Open Corridor.”
Dates From
Original Location
Eastwick Park, Surrey
Building History
Background Information
The dairy is formed of two separate octagonal brick-built buildings, one slightly larger than the other, connected by a covered walkway. The larger of these is the dairy, and the smaller the scolding house, with a stove and chimney that were added later.
It was built in a dell, which appears to have been man-made for their dairy, and such an indentation in the ground is designed to gather heavier, colder air around the dairy. This would mean the building acted as a natural refrigerator to help preserve the goods produced, until they were stored elsewhere.
At some time in the late 19th or early 20th century the thatch was replaced with tiles, which started some of the difficulties for the roof structure.
Although the buildings had a very basic, practical function, they were constructed to a very high standard, using methods and materials more suited to a much higher status building. This is clear from the wooden fittings around the doors and windows, which were painted burgundy as you can see them today.
In 2010 the building was offered to the Museum in a dilapidated state. We show dairying from this building, as circumstances allow.
Top 3 Interesting Facts
An Estate Dairy
This ornamental dairy comprised of two octagonal buildings was constructed to a high standard.
Dilapidated Structure
In 2010 when the dairy was offered to the Museum it was in a dilapidated state, with damage to the roof and walls.
Through dairying processes perishable milk can be turned into longer-lasting cheese or other products.