Abbi Leigh

Abbi Leigh works as a policy researcher in sustainable development in Africa. This involves working closely with local communities, governments and companies to inform better social and environmental outcomes for poor and developing countries. In particular, Abbi works with small-scale and artisanal miners and farmers whose produce fills our phones and our fridges here in the UK. As a child Abbi lived in Africa and now lives in Haslemere with her two young children – aged 4 and 7 – both of whom love spending time at the Weald and Downland Museum. Our shared curiosity and passion for the Museum and its landscape, along with Abbi’s desire to learn more about how our environmental and cultural heritage can inform the way we live today, are some of the many reasons Abbi is very excited to be a trustee at the Weald and Downland Museum. As a family Abbi & her children love walking, cycling, and camping, and are looking forward to enjoying more of what the Museum has to offer.

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Abbi Lee, Museum Trustee

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